The Delphi Technique is a calculated method some group facilitators and special interest groups use to achieve “consensus”. Through the use of the Delphi Technique and the promotion of an “us” vs “them” mentality among the citizens of a community, dissenting voices are identified, marginalized and discredited and the agendas of various groups and controlling individuals promoted. The facilitator is there to direct the meeting to a preset conclusion. Meetings are held because it is imperative that ordinary people assume ownership of the preset outcomes. If people believe an idea is theirs, they’ll support it. If they believe an idea is forced on them, they’ll resist.
The Delphi Technique is being used very effectively to change our government from a representative form in which elected individuals represent the people, to a “participatory democracy” in which citizens selected at large are facilitated into ownership of preset outcomes. These citizens believe that their input is important to the result, whereas the reality is that the outcome was already established by people not apparent to the participants.
Excerpts from Using the Delphi Technique to Achieve Consensus
By Lynn M. Stuter
Links for information about the Delphi Technique
Delphi Technique
How to disrupt Interview with Heather Gass 45:45 minutes
Heather Gass 8:54 minutes
Rosa Koire 18:17 Delphi starts 7:10 12:10
The Delphi Technique Three 20 minute videos about the Delphi Technique
The Delphi Technique